Designing for emergence: how postdigital theory can unlock the hidden curriculum in music technology education
Lee, Laura and Reeves, Tony (2023) Designing for emergence: how postdigital theory can unlock the hidden curriculum in music technology education. JUICE: Journal of Useful Investigations in Creative Education.
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Postdigital aesthetics invites us to consider what emerges through the interaction of musicians, artists and technology. Researchers in digital music have proposed the need for new disciplinary areas of study such as sound studies of education, and current research is exploring new pedagogical approaches to teaching music technology. Postdigital theory offers researchers a set of conceptual tools that can inform the development of appropriate pedagogies for music technology curricula. In an increasingly postdigital landscape there is value in questioning how postdigital theory might influence what – and how – we should teach in music technology courses.
This article builds on PhD research into postdigital aesthetics and complexity, and explores ways in which live, collaborative electronic music performance can blur the boundaries between the digital and the postdigital. The authors highlight the potential for postdigital theory to deconstruct the idea of ‘authorship’ in electronic music performance, and explain how integrating a postdigital aesthetic into electronic music performance can create new theoretical foundations for the discipline of music technology. In doing so, the authors argue that the discipline will be more effective at preparing graduates for the complex challenges of the 21st century workplace.
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