Network of change: civil society partnerships for sustainable consumption and production
Lähteenoja, Satu and Kuhndt, Michael and Csobod, Eva and Charter, Martin (2010) Network of change: civil society partnerships for sustainable consumption and production. Project Report. United Nations Environmental Programme, Germany.
- Details
This booklet presents examples of successful promotion of sustainable consumption and production (SCP)through civil society organisation (CSO) partnerships. In addition to CSOs themselves, the target audience for this booklet includes researchers, policy makers and businesses interested in working with CSOs. The booklet introduces a Network of Change with a focus on civil society organisations and presents five different CSO partnership models to promote SCP. With case study examples drawn from 16 partnerships, our aim is to encourage a broad spectrum of actors working on sustainability issues to engage in more CSO partnerships. The booklet contains new project ideas developed by CSOs from across Europe. It is our hope that these highlights, and project contacts, will serve to inspire further collaboration for sustainable consumption and production.
The proposed project ideas and this summary booklet
are the outcome of a partnership between the UNEP/Wuppertal Institute Collaborating Centre of Sustainable Consumption and Production GmbH (CSCP), the Centre for Sustainable Design (CfSD) and the Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe (REC). This document brings together the main results of a two-year project entitled “CSO Platform on SCP”1, that was undertaken with funding support from the Seventh Research Framework Programme of the European Union. More information on this project and the partner organisations can be found at the end of this booklet.
These are the three major partners involved in the proudction of this booklet:
Regional Environment Center REC
Centre for Sustainable Design CfSD
Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production (cscp)
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